Been busy on the social circuit these past few weeks, so let me just run down what happened and maybe you will be kind and forgiving and not kick my ass too hard.
Anyway, I foresee this will be my last update ever - while everyone I know is getting ready to up and go to Yellowstone (which is like 6 hours away?), I will push into the final chapter of my life in Seattle, study up for my last exams and then get ready to get the f**k out of here. Leaving behind a trail of memories, going back to a life I don't remember all the details of, but am eager to relearn.
I'll post one more on my thoughts before I fly off, but suffice to say, it finally came good these few months.
Week of 28 April
First up, a short intro: I finally made 2 friends here who I can routinely hang out and message and abuse without fear - Stephanie and Mijung. Stephanie is from Hong Kong, this be her 2nd degree; while Mijung is a Korean girl - both ladies are on exchange, and we've taken to each other like ducks to water. As in, comfort level, we go out all the damn time etc etc. Which probably accounts for my excellent mood. We can talk, and laugh, and just have lunch, without them looking at me strange like so many Americans have done.
To anyone who is coming to America:
1) Be a girl
2) Join FIUTS
3) Search out Singaporeans and other Asians.
Don't be full of bravado, Americans are not the friendliest creatures around.
Anyhow, we met a guy called Michael Riegner, a bro from Germany who was visiting our Law school and considering if he wanted to join UW in the future, following his 18 months of post-graduation training. (for anyone who wants to complain about Singapore pupillage which is mercifully short) Being around our age, it was just nice hanging out with him (though I think he was more into the female company :p kidding, he was really nice to hang out with).
So on Monday, we went to downtown for dinner - this Asian place which wasn't particularly filling; then for drinks and cheesecake at Pike Place.
Thursday, 4 hours before he flew off, we went clubbing. I had a good time but I don't really think Europeans and Asians have similar clubbing styles in that we focused on the disco-house style music while I kept hankering for the R&B in the main room. But it worked out ok, and he had a great time so that was that and we all were pretty happy. :)
So from L to R: Michael, me, Mijung and Steph. This is the Alibi Room, where we had red wine with cheesecake - very very fun for all of us. :)
Friday, the three of us (sans the returning-to-Frankfurt Michael) went out for dimsum with Dana (the exchange co-ordinator, very sweet lady), then we went shopping. It was a good week, no questions. :)
The Re-Constitution of BBC Americas: 8 to 10 May
I am now a believer in the "good things come in threes" paradigm, because my 3 London-borne homies came down on a cold Wednesday night. Sure, the hunger meant we had a bit of time trying to regain the initial chemistry, but if you know the BBC you know too that it takes only one jack for the whole thang to fall into place.
And so it was, as we discussed Pupillage, love lives, illnesses, Vancouver, and the whole gamut. I didn't get very much sleep during the period, but it was awesome just hanging with my homies, talking and sharing and being with them, and Becca's presence made for a very comforting female presence as well.
And of course, Iron Man which all the boys were so impressed by, hurhur. But the memories are more: Like walking through Capitol Hill, going through Downtown, distracting Becca so we could prepare her birthday, celebrating the birthday proper, Cheesecake Factory with Mama Sophie, and so on and so forth, throwing the pigskin behind the house and freaking out when it tapped the car - Life is memories, and these memories made the trip be awesome.
No words will really do the emotions I felt justice, but for the first time in a long time (since January 11) I felt truly comfortable and at home in Seattle. Thanks Kel, Al and Becca, you guys made the few days here truly memorable. And, er, for not minding the shithole I call a home. :p
Perfunctory Gangsta Shot. Don't be messin' with the BBC yo.
(unless you're a girl - my epiphany over these days is that as much as we are the Bitch(y) Boys Club, we are also the Bitched (ka-pssh) Boys Club. :p)
The infamous 'Tudung' Shot. All gear is mine. :p
The kungfu shot, Kong and I holding Alan as he struggles through his pose. :p
4 Singaporeans in Seattle. Thanks guys, it be awesome. Miss you all already.
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