I shall miss...
The way modernity and classicity (the word doesn't exist but no word I know quite does it justice) fall together in a comfortable mesh, both barely treading on each other and being comfortable side by side.
The beautiful palaces and buildings which oldness meant they were beautiful, and not in spite of it.
The strange existence of one self-declared country despite all signs to the contrary, and the tension that ensued forth.
The magnificence which took one's breath away and which brought me to my knees a couple of times as I revelled in His splendour and glory, feeling ashamed that I was not quite what He asked for.
The brotherhood and company, shared over Japanese Curry and coke on a cold winter's night, which above all was the most reassuring.

Of all the places to see windmills, it was in Denmark. Love the irony.

Statue of a Queen - name of which unfortunately escapes me.

Statue of an angel, very awe-inpsiring and pretty, in contrast to...

I quote my Learned Brother Khel's words, "f**king overrated and amazingly underwhelming" - The Little Mermaid.

Castellet, old castle, current Mil. Intelligence barracks.

Statue commemorating the Fallen soldiers from WWI.

The University Library - the way a real library should look like, though it was a little squeezy.

Khel outside one of the Uni buildings, which...

Looked like an amazing Roman temple inside. BTC looks sadly spartan in comparison.

The University Cathedral - pure white and very very awesome, 6 saints on each side (believe they were the apostles) and a 'moving' Jesus at the altar.

The Spiral Tower Cathedral, a little more gold and brown themed as you can tell. :)

The view atop Spiral Tower, seeing Kobenhavn. Awesome sight.

The interesting church spire outside Christania - fascinating spiral scheme.

The entrance to Christania - fascinating story and very different, but I will agree with Khel that at worst one feels odd, not threatened.

Think this is the Palace. Or the Parliament House, but I think the tower means it's the Palace.

The Marble Church, combined the 'best' of the above 2 churches and was pretty awesome. Funny statues outside though.

Ah this is the Palace. With a strange car outside machiam like car advertisement. But yeah, slacking guards outside.

The abangs on the Spiral Tower. Thanks for the hospitality bro, even in your cramped room and the mountains of cat hair. :)
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