Day 1: 22nd November
Touched down in Toronto a few minutes past midnight, having endured an hour's delay in Chicago due to the incoming snowstorm. After another hour's wait in Pearson Airport, I boarded my van and embarked on my 2 hour trip towards London. The trip itself, thankfully, was uneventful and I slept in the minibus.
Was received at London Hall by Kong and Hu, who took me up to Kong's apartment where we spent the best part of 3 hours just talking rot, jacking each other and 3rd parties, and basically catching up the good ol' BBC way (despite what Alan insists). We talked till 6 am, and Kong had school barely hours later - so to sleep we went.
I was woken up by a phone call and the sight of snow outside the window - it was really really pretty as the landscape was covered with a thin blanket of white. After lunch with Alan, I returned to Kong's room and we did what we boys do with each other all the time:
We studied. :p Don't know what your perverse mind was thinking of, rargh.
Dinner was a 9-dollar cab ride to Swiss Chalet (after attempts to eat bigger meat failed, sadly) - a rotisserie much like Kenny Roger's, but with tastier baked fries. We nearly froze our butts off trying to find another cab - not for lack of layering but because the wind picked up, and Tris made the unforgettable comment, "I don't think it's worth freezing my ass off for this 'I Love My Friends' shit." Indeed. :)
The night was spent watching Bleach, talking more rubbish, attempting to study and crafting our CDs for our impending roadtrip.

Alan outside Perth Hall // The stadium behind London Hall // Me // The view from Kong's window

Kong being manly and domestic...

While Alan wusses out on the couch.
Day 2: 23rd November
Joined the boys at Center Spot for lunch at the UCC in Western, with my first tase of poutine. It is surprisingly good, and pretty addictive - fries with cheese and gravy, you can't complain or ask for much more. :p
I was then taken around the Western campus. One thing: It doesn't really feel like a university, though the buildings are classical (well, most anyway, excepting the boxy library) - I can't explain it, but perhaps I'm used to tall buildings bunched up together, whether it be NUS or UW. Anyway, it was nice walking about the campus and just observing, playing with the snow and enjoying the company. :)

The views of UWO. :)

Requisite 'Us' shots - And yes, we are cocksters.
After chilling (in every sense of the word), we left London Hall at about 5 and met up with the other Singaporeans. Our party of 8 were: Jen, Zizi, Yan Liang, Leon Yie and Rebecca - Malaysian Doctor, Chinese Biz Student, Singaporean Applied Math, Singaporean Singaporean. (sorry la forgot their majors. :p) Rebecca joined our car, and we embarked on a pulsating 2 hour drive, completed by excellent soundtracks. Namely, rock and 80's music aka mambo madness WAHAHAHA.
Dinner was at a Chinese buffet at Fallsview Casino, and we got to see the Falls by night, and we did a bit of walkies through the town. Niagara really is a mini-Vegas, but somehow lacks the pizzazz and madness that is Las Vegas for some reason. Anyhow, the night was ours to enjoy and the brothers enjoyed it as we know how: Beer and conversation. Great times, great times. :)

Fallsview Casino // The view at night in Niagara // The Falls at night

A shot at -3 degrees - Freezing butts off // The Skywheel // Group Shot! // Yes, I had to. Obligation right. :p
Day 3: 24th November
After a breakfast buffet near Niagara, we set off for Niagara-On-The-Lake, in particular a winery tour in Peller Estates. Having been to a winery tour, this wasn't much new but for 2 facts:
1) Canadian wineries do more ice wine than in Washington, understndably.
2) Presence of attractive Asian females made trip much more worth being at WAHAHAHA. :p No pictures of them though, I apologise.

Peller Estates Winery: Fireplace-Lobby // Us listening to the dude // Grapes and grapes and grapes // The view of the main building

Brothers be a Photowhore:
Alan showing us snow // Kong showing us... Kong // Us trying to be macho amidst fcold weather // Us at the winery in front of the grapes. :)
We then hit the 'town' proper of Niagara-On-the-Lake, and it is the cutest little town ever: It's so quaint, very 'sweet' and just so classical European it's hard to avoid awwing at it. :) Very cute place.

See? Cute little town that resembles something out of a travel magazine.
After a bit of holdover in Missisauga, we found our way to Toronto, somehow got out of the jam, and chilled and relaxed in an apartment provided for by Stanley, Kong's exchange buddy. Really nice dude - he's going to Singapore for exchange next sem, so please look for him y'all. :)
The night was completed by our gay antics and us amusing the rest of the Singaporean folk. :p
Day 4: 25th November
Our day, literlly, started with a bang as we got tickets (again, provided by Stanley) to a Toronto Raptors game at the Air Canada Center. The Raptors beat the Bulls 93-78, but more impressive than that was just the atmosphere, the pace and the feel of the game. It was pretty darn awesome to be there. :)

Various views and shots of the Air Canada Center.

Brothers be a Photowhore II:
Alan // Us attempting to look stupid // Requisite Dumb Shot // Final Score!
We then went downtown proper to meet Chor, who seemed glad enough to see us, and in an even better mood as we began jacking and insulting and burning with glee - like we like to do. :) Thanks dude - it was an excellent 3 hours and it was the best way to spend time in Toronto. :)

Us outside City Hall.

Views of Toronto: CN Tower // The Christmas tree in Eaton // The ice skating rink at City Hall // Skyline shot
Our journey ended with dinner at Restoren Malaysia - which wasn't very satisying but you gotta roll with what you got - and that was what we had to last us through before we return in 7 months, sigh.
So, at the end of my journey, I have but these to say:
1) I love Canadians. They don't carry a chip on the shoulder like Americans and are much more pleasant and nice. Honest to goodness.
2) I like Toronto. Asian girls abound who look back and with a skyline like that - feels just like home. :)
3) I am thankful for friends - they become your family when you're abroad all alone, literally. I have no complaints with my time and with my company - only that it could've been longer.
And now, back to the grind. Sigh. :( Happy Thanksgiving all - and always be thankful for what you do have. :)