Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A Quick Escape

I decided to take a short walk today about UW in the afternoon, both to attempt to sign up for Friday's Pub Quiz and to take pictures for my Dad the kampung boy. And these are but some of the lovely pictures as we move from Fall into Winter. Apologies that the shots are so few, my batteries gave out, but this is a short escape after all.

Many trees were dark red, in this pretty pretty way.

Change comes swiftly to those who stand in its way.

I tried to capture the contrast between the lush green and the bald tree - I only hope I succeeded. :p

The juxtaposition between nature and created - Peace and war, acceptance and rejection.

A bit philo today larh, sorry. :p Also, should be taking Int'l Crim Law, Int'l Relations and waiting on ADR and Legis + Pub Policy. Wish me luck. (and maybe French if I can wake up for it and 'see how it goes'. :p) And no, I couldn't register for the Pub Quiz, if you were wondering. Tomorrow perhaps.

1 comment:

boonchiaw said...

Eventually you get some picture I like to see. Tree is tree but trees sound like your name. I am thinking about you and pray for protection for the whole family. Study well darling. Look for the stars.