Day 1
I arrived in San Fran nice and early, having left Seattle at 6 am and touching down at 8 am - something I shall NEVER do again because frankly, I don't get enough sleep and as it turned out, it made no difference whatsoever.
I reached the hotel at about 9, and proceeded to try to check in. Try being the operative word here. First off, my ticket collection was a BITCH because everyone conveniently ignored the little yellow dude. This guy in a wheelchair basically cut my queue and got served, as did everyone else. When I bashed to the front, the chick actually asked me if I was in line, whereupon I said, "Yeah, I actually came before the guy in the wheelchair." So That Was Fun.
Then when I tried to get my hotel room, the receptionist told me that though they had my name, they didn't have a room and that the wrestlers came first. Which was cool, but it got kinda irritating when 12 noon passed and I had developed an insane headache - and still no room. I took photos with some of the wrestlers, but even that wow was quickly overrun by fatigue and a migraine and irritation. I eventually got my room at 1, and hit the bed dead for 3 hours.
It quickly occurred to me when I hit the lobby after my nap that there was something going on that didn't smell good. For starters, some of the performers were in the lobby, pacing up and down and looking bewildered. After talking to some of the fans, it turned out that everyone had been waiting for transportation to the arena, and that wait had gone for a couple hours. It was kinda nice cos I got to talk to Traci Bingham (this Baywatch Playboy chick) and Gail Kim (this female wrestler), but I ended up waiting way too long, culminating in a "let's grab a cab" with this dude Alex, who was really friendly.
The event itself wasn't bad, with many stars signing autographs and taking photographs. BUT, I paid 500 bucks for this and I didn't get anything someone who'd paid 250, or even 199, wouldn't have gotten. No lines, no security, no control - everything was a mess and badly run. It was pretty cool seeing my fav wrestlers but even then, the lack of a promised 'free' shuttle and the helluva time trying to get my ticket and room. Whoo! Fun.
After all the walking and talking and merchandising (and a pretty fun Q&A with Eric Bischoff), the wrestling event was on, and it was... Pretty crap for the most parts. Which is what you get when you put on a "Legends" show with wrestlers who can barely move. The only good match was Kidman V/S Ultimo Dragon, and Great Muta in the final 3-way hardcore. If you care, ask me for results. :p
The night actually ended decently, as our shuttle (my Lord, there WAS one!) ran through downtown (to the supposed afterparty which DID NOT HAPPEN) and I watched kids dressed to the 9's and getting ready for a night out in town, i.e. clubbing, which I suddenly missed. -sigh- Anyhow, upon returning to the hotel I saw the wrestlers milling about in the bar, so I decided to go hobnob with them. Most were pretty grouchy because of the bartender and the screwups, but were nice enough to talk to me, and I and this indie wrestler named Luke Hawx hit it off very nicely. And I talked to Wendy when I was done, so all well and good, a nice end to a pretty bizarre day.
Day 2
Any belief on my side that the bumps of Day 2 would be ironed out... was quickly dashed when I went down and saw the exact same situation: Wrestlers sitting about while fans wondered how they were going to get to the Cow Palace. Taxis were not cheap - the previous time I'd gone down it had ratcheted to 40 dollars. After waiting for about 1 plus hours, we finally got bundled into a limo and made our way down.
It also became apparent during the course of the morning wait that the wrestlers were having a sit-down strike: The promoter's (guy who organises such events) checks had bounced and they had all been left high and dry. Besides the marquee stars, most hadn't been paid besides room and airfare (and even that's dubious for the lower card folk) and they needed the cash to pay bills. I felt a little sorry for them.
Anyhow, the couple hours spent there were neat, though I had to fork out cash to get the stuff I really wanted. Managed to use my pimpology skills to get a hug from Gail Kim who I think is incredibly hot (Oh Yeah. ;p), and watched on with amusement as Alex kept returning to buy shots with her. Big fan he is, but Charlie (another dude I met) and I just smiled on with amusement as he kinda whored himself out. Truth dude, it be but truth.
It was also cool to meet and get photos(and not actually have to pay for) with Nigel McGuinness and Chris Hero, 2 big Ring of Honor wrestlers who I have tremendous respect for.
Again, the night was waaaay better than the day, as I went to meet Kiat who I hadn't seen for half a year. We walked along Fisherman's Wharf as we talked shit, ribbed each other, and had a great time just being close friends who hadn't met for a while. Pretty awesome night - Thanks bro, for treating me to dinner and for spending the evening with me. :) Be good now, you know what I'm talking about. ;p
Had a drink at the bar again and hung out with Luke and Alex, before retiring early. I had walked a lot but the night was way worth it. :)
Day 3
I decided to wake up late and catch the football game on TV, which was pretty damn fun to watch as the Giants kicked the 49ers upside down. Went down at 12 - and met 3 other guys who'd been waiting for the shuttle too for the past hour. So, good on me that I watched the game huh.
After hanging about with Charlie and trying to get photos with Steve Austin (and deciding it wasn't worth it), we then got seats for the Ring of Honor show. It was... Okay, could've been a lot better though. Even the marquee event wasn't as good as some other openers I've seen. But my opinion.
Charlie left for the airport while I headed back to the hotel. Had dinner and hung out with Luke for a bit, which was pretty nice. I do agree with the view that i everything had gone on as it should've, I probably wouldn't have met a lot of the wrestlers in the capacity I did - even getting Luke's email and phone number. But on the flip side, if I'd gotten everything I paid for I doubt I'd be scrapping to find things to be happy about, no offence to my boy Luke who's an amazing dude.
Concluding Thoughts
1) Perhaps I was a complete noob when I approached this event. I suddenly see on the forum pages a lot of ragging from people who said, "Oh, this was so going to happen", "I met so-and-so and he gave me an autograph for free" and the like. I'm perhaps a bit pissed that these guys are ragging AFTER rather than BEFORE, like spreading word that people might be cheated etc. Also a bit sad that I didn't see it coming. Oh well.
2) The experience might've been a gyp but the individual moments were pretty fun, like meeting the female wrestlers and spending time with Luke, who I was a big fan of when I trail the independent circuit. They're all human like we are, so it was nice to get to know them on that level.
3) I'm thankful that at the end of it all, I came back a little wiser, a little more assured, and a little better for it, in some sense. So, in no order, I wanna thank:
- Luke Hawx, my main man, who made the whole event bearable
- Kiat, for meeting up and sharing the good ol' times
- The organisers, seriously, because they made it happen - even if badly
- The wrestlers who took pictures with us and performed
- and finally, my amazing girlfriend whose recent e-mails have proven that she's a keeper, and whom I adore muchly. :) -muah-
So, a photo collage of the event, of sorts:

San Fran, city of hope and dreams... For a while anyway.

Eric Bischoff of WCW fame, really amusing chap.

Myself and Kiat outside Ghirardelli Square.

My main boys from RoH: Nigel McGuinness, current RoH champion; Chris Hero and Larry Sweeney, my new favourite wrestler-manager; BRYAN DANIELSON (and I kinda babbled to him for a photo) and Jimmy Jacobs.

Final shot outside the Cow Palace.
So, an interesting story for the ages and one to look back and smile upon, once I get over the loss of money unnecessarily. -sigh- Ah well, back to work I go, I go. -whistles- :)
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