Thursday, October 25, 2007

Course Selection

A short note about course selection for next quarter:


-ahem- Basically, I'm having a host of problems on course selection for next quarter, because the home faculty has requested I do 14 credits a quarter. Because as everyone knows, 40 / 3= 13.3, and thus we shall round up to 14. And maybe up to 16.

Note, it's not 14 overall, it's 14 per quarter, which means, 14 X 3= 42. So I have to spend 2 extra hours in school per week. I don't remember spending 20 hours in NUS a week, but that's not important, is it? And what about the fact that even Masters' Students only need to do 10 credit hours? Uh, not important either.

Yes, I'm a tinge gripey. I'm not complaining much, but the legislated minimum seems to have been done without consultation of UW or an analysis of the facts. I could be wrong, and the course load isn't that bad - but it's a lot more than a normal JD student might be doing, and it's causing problems with next quarter.

Which basically is this: I cannot dig out enough credits to hit the 14 for next quarter. I haven't asked about overloading yet, but I seriously doubt that overloading for Spring is a good idea - namely because the reading is going to kill me before I even get started. Eeps.

The problems are basically this:
1) Insufficient subjects - Most of the subjects here are Year 1 subjects - Contract, Torts, etc. I could do them, but what would be the point? There are Health subjects which I'll probably end up taking, but still. Not the best range of topics per se. And most of the subjects I would've done got taken from me this year. Oh, the agony. :(

2) Insufficient Credit - For some reason, most of the courses are 3 credits instead of 4, which means I need to do more to hit the 14. Suffice to say - that's not much fun, is it.

3) Inability to do another Faculty - This was probably more my fault than anyone else's. I didn't realise that I could take a language course - and now that I want to, I didn't realise that I have restrictions on the courses I can take, because they come with prerequisites. Suffice to say, it's gonna be a pretty fun time as I try to find one, just one, course in another faculty that I might be able to take.

A language would be swell, but as I realised, I had to have started from Autumn. Damn! :(

I think it's not really a problem to do 14, and I've managed to slack off and have fun while keeping up decently with my work. I think I just am getting lazy. So there. Ha! Eat that!

I have no idea what I'm talking about anymore. :(

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