- Internet has been hooked up in my room, so I am connected to a world of pain, porn and potential. I now wonder if I should've hooked it up in my living room instead. Oh well.
- My bed has come in! And turned out somewhat uncomfortable and somewhat bigger than I thought. Suspect it's not hard enough, and rather larger than expected. My butt hurts. And no, this particular pain I'm not used to, it's in the cheeks rather than the middle. :p
- Had a chance to meet more international folks these past few days. One turned out worse than expected, the other way better. Unfortunately I only have photos of the first, but here it is:
The Irish Emigrant. Excellent ale and fries - must try!
From left to right: PRC, Taiwanese, Korean exchange, Indonesian facilitator (senior from FIUTS, the international whoreland), Japanese doll (who talks as much as a doll does - i.e. not at all), Lithuanian, two Germans who ate my food. :p
This was the Pub Quiz, which while interesting was probably not as fun as I'd hoped. Primarily because the SPGs were all whoring up to the Caucasians while the girls I met were. Well. Let's just say they were really friendly and personable. To be serious, they were, but it's hard to talk in a pub and make lifelong friends that way.
The other event I went for was the Law School Dinner at the UW Club. Which turned out really well. The place is dominated by Asians (only about 20% were non-Asian) which made for interesting talk as we discussed the difference between our countries and the legal systems. I think it turned out better as the students were 1) Asian, 2) older and 3) all open to talking to as many new people as possible, perhaps to be exposed to more influences. And since we're all going to be classmates anyway. :) It was quite enjoyable, really.
- Am meeting the Singaporean folk tonight for dinner. Should be fun - though the one non-graduate Singaporean girl I met was so American I wasn't even sure why she put 'Singapore' on her nametag at the Pub.
Before I go, more piccys from pretty Seattle! :)
Church! Not mine though, but nicest building in the area. :p
Electric Metro buses. Singapore should try, but the way drivers drive back home...
William H. Gates Hall! School for the next 9 months, starting September 24.
UW in the Fall. Quite pretty, but I think the picture will be more crowded next week when classes start proper.
The dominant citizen on UW - Freakin' Squirrels. There are a million of them.
And me. Cold, hungry and still fat. Shit.
Ok folks, shall update when school begins. :)
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